New ZS Justice League Mother Box Origin Clip and Photos

During IGN’s recent online IGN Fan Fest 2021, there was an online Zack Snyder interview where he dropped some hints about his upcoming 4 hour Zack Snyder’s Justice League movie soon to be released on HBO Max on March 18, 2021.

Zack Snyder also revealed a clip that he called “The Mother Box Origin Clip” which in and of itself the title is very curious and opens a whole different conversation of the Mother Box’s, Darkseid, and The Source, but that’s another post.

In the clip we see our Justice League hero’s in various poses and with hints and easter eggs about their stories and fate. Here are some stills of each Hero from the clip:

Here’s the video clip that was revealed by Zack Snyder.

You can check out the full interview with Zack Snyder on as well as all of the other Nerd topics discussed at IGN’s Fan Fest 2021 on their website!