MTMTE - A Transformers Podcast - Episode 1 - Bumblebee: The Movie

Episode 1 - Bumblebee: The Movie


The Credible Nerds are starting a new podcast series - More Than Meets The Eye - A Transformers Podcast. Join Justin and guest host - Kimball, as we breakdown this latest film in the Transformers film universe, Bumblebee: The Movie. Initially billed as a prequel to the Michael Bay films that started in 2007, we discuss the film and is it really a prequel to those films or not? How well does it fit in with the rest of the Transformers films? What did we like about it, and was it worth seeing? *definitely! 

Join us as we talk Bumblebee and the Transformers!

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MTMTE - A Transformers Podcast - Episode 1 - Bumblebee: The Movie
The Credible Nerds