Should Batman Kill? Zack Snyder Thinks So.
A recent interview on the Joe Rogan Show podcast, (which I highly recommend you watch) Zack Snyder was a guest and they talked about many things, and of course his DC movies.
Read MoreA recent interview on the Joe Rogan Show podcast, (which I highly recommend you watch) Zack Snyder was a guest and they talked about many things, and of course his DC movies.
Read MoreSometimes characters, items, or creatures are so impactful and larger than life that we here at The Credible Nerds feel that they deserve a special place in fandom and on our website. As a result, we have created The Credible Nerds Hall of Fame to honor those that deserve it!
Read MoreThe Director of Aquaman 2, James Wan, has revealed via his Instagram the title for the upcoming Aquaman 2 film!
Read MoreHappy Birthday to the Man of Steel - Henry Cavill!
Read MorePart Two is the history lesson for the movie and it is expanded upon and contains a lot of detail and information regarding the enemy and their motivations. But lucky for us, not only does it contain a lot of exposition, we also get to see a lot of action. As Diana narrates the history lesson to Bruce we are also shown the story so as to see it firsthand.
Read MoreEzra Miller will be reprising his role as Barry Allen/The Flash in this film. He will also be joined by Kiersey Clemons reprising her role as Iris West as we saw in Zack Snyder's Justice League.
Read MoreThis Part is a series of introductions to our beloved heroes.
Read MoreThe Prologue serves as a good set up and reminder of where our heroes were the last time we saw them. Superman has just been killed by Doomsday as a way to save humanity while Lois Lane, Wonder Woman, and Batman look on.
Read MoreI have been listening to this soundtrack nonstop since it’s release! With a total of 53 tracks sitting at 3 hours and 54 minutes, there is plenty to listen to on repeat for days on end!
Read MoreZack Snyder’s Justice League releases a bunch of promo material for the upcoming release! Unite The Seven
Read MoreEarlier today, Zack Snyder posted a tease of Jared Leto's Joker appearance in the upcoming Zack Snyder's Justice League due to be released on March 18th, 2021 on HBOMax. The speculation is that this version of Joker appears in the infamous Knightmare alternate timeline that we first glimpsed in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Batman’s Dark Knightmare
A lot of the marketing photos have been geared toward the Knightmare timeline so far, so it appears that we will finally get more story and background of this curious scene we saw in BvS.
What do you think of this tease of Joker? I, for one, like it and think it's the right amount of tease. We get a glimpse to whet our appetite, but not the full reveal. I'm excited for Joker's appearance in this film and hopefully it leads to more of Jared Leto's Joker appearing in more films.
In addition to this Knightmare Joker, a photo of Deathstroke from this Knightmare timeline has also been released a few weeks ago. Combining these new additions to what we got from BvS makes for an intriguing lineup!
Later in the day (02/02/21), the film’s MPAA rating was released. According to, Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be rated R for violence and some language. Snyder has teased that Batman will drop the F bomb and that Steppenwolf will deliver some grisly deaths as he sets out to conquer Earth.
The Credible Nerds stand with Ray Fisher and his statements, we cannot in good conscious support DC in this decision.
Read MoreFollowing on the heels of the recently released Wonder Woman 1984, a third Wonder Woman film has been greenlit and said to be fast tracked by Warner Bros.
Read MoreWonder Woman 1984 is finally released! The Credible Nerds give their review of the film.
Read MoreThe latest announcement about the upcoming Justice League Zack Snyder Cut!
Read MoreThis movie will finally be released on Christmas Day 2020! (A week earlier in international markets)
Read MoreToday, Sept 15th, as well as Sept 21st 2019 are being touted as Batman Day. This year is also the 80th anniversary of Batman as he was introduced in comics in March 1939.
Read MoreThis fan cut consists of scenes from the trailers and some deleted scenes are cut into the existing film and parts are re-scored with Hans Zimmer's music from the earlier films.
Read MoreThe Digital Copy and Blu Ray for Justice League is coming soon! Digital copy release is February 13th, and the Blu Ray/DVD release date is March 13th (no word on VHS yet...). I'm looking forward to the deleted scenes to hopefully enhance this movie to help it reach the potential it had before studio execs got involved to trim it down to 2 hours. I'm thinking it will be more Suicide Squad than Dawn of Justice, but anything to enhance the story is something I'll be happy about whether it's only 10 mins or hopefully 30 mins.
I'll be getting the Target exclusive DigiBook edition (see above) to match the previous DC Movie DigiBook releases I've purchased in the past. The Best Buy exclusive steelbook version looks pretty sweet too. Interesting enough, Target has it listed on their website as Justice League part 1 (at least at the time of this post) which is probably an error, but I sure hope there's some amazing surprise and that's a leak. But, probably not.
Spoilers for Justice League are in this post! Don't read if you haven't seen the film yet.
With the recent release of Justice League, I’ve had a lot of thoughts about Justice League and Batman vs Superman and how they can’t be dismissed lightly because of how layered the films and the overall story are:
First of all, we can’t take the plot of these films too lightly. If you think Justice League is about the Justice League defeating the alien threat of Steppenwolf and his parademons, then you should go rewatch the film again (I say rewatch it anyways, cause it’s such a great film), as this is the secondary plot of the movie. The primary plot of Justice League is really about the formation of the team and the individual team members having to learn how to come together and unite to form an unbeatable force (it’s all right in front of us in the marketing of the film). They all have a personal journey to make, and they have to overcome their fears and doubts before they can begin to trust each other and work together. This is illustrated to us very well in the beginnings of the film as Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince contact the different metahumans, Barry Allen, Arthur Curry, and Victor Stone. The names of these three and others were given to Bruce by Amanda Waller as shown to us in the Oscar winning film - Suicide Squad, which occurred in between Dawn of Justice and Justice League.
We are also shown how invincible Steppenwolf is as he is able to easily overcome the individual forces, the Amazonians, the Atlanteans, and Man to obtain the Motherboxes. It isn’t until the League is able to unite and work together that they are able to defeat him, and even then they need some “super” help (sorry, couldn’t help myself. lol). We see how, without Superman, Earth is doomed and the inhabitants of Earth would be unable to defeat Steppenwolf. The League has to learn how to work together to bring Superman back and they all played a part in bringing him back with the help of one of the Motherboxes. It isn’t until Superman is fully back and unites with the League that Steppenwolf can be defeated and sent packing.
Some have thought that Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice only showed us 15 mins (or whatever it ended up being) of Superman and Batman actually fighting, if so - then you need to rewatch the film. Batman versus Superman starts in the Prologue of the film when Batman witnesses firsthand the destruction of Metropolis and he sees Superman and Zod destroying Metropolis and he decides Superman is dangerous and he then starts his quest to destroy Superman. The whole movie is Batman/Bruce Wayne’s machinations to destroy Superman.
Having Lex Luthor behind the scenes pulling the strings to drag Batman further down into the darkness is icing on the cake for this film. While Batman is distracted by figuring out a way to defeat Superman, the real villain, who is Lex, ultimately unleashes a devil to destroy a god, in which he eventually succeeds. Lex is aware that in defeating Superman he can bring in true chaos to the world by way of the Motherboxes. The effects of Lex's plan is dealt with in Justice League, which in turn makes that last end credit scene in Justice League more meaningful and it isn't just eye candy.
Lex would’ve triumphed except for he forgot the one thing that trumps everything and can’t be quantified- Love. Especially the love a son has for his mother, and how some men would do anything to protect their mother. He was counting on Clark Kent's love for his mother to manipulate him into defeating Batman, but he overlooked Bruce's love for his long dead mother. Maybe he thought Bruce was too far down the dark path and couldn't be redeemed because of the crimes he had committed. Bruce Wayne became Batman because of the love he had for his mother and father. But he had lost sight of this over the past couple of years due to the darkness of Gotham. He was becoming the type of person he had initially set out to protect people from. Clark’s love for his mother broke through this darkness and reminded Bruce of why he became Batman in the first place. He became Batman to protect the Martha and Thomas Wayne’s of the world.
With Clark Kent speaking the name of “Martha” and to "save Martha" this snapped Bruce back to what he was all about in the first place and he also realized the being in front of him was more like him than he realized. He saw a chance to do what his pre-teen self couldn't do - "save Martha". He saw that Clark cared just as much for his mother and that his last dying breath was for someone to save his mother regardless of what happened to him. This is why he was willing to spare Superman and go save Martha Kent while Clark went to deal with Lex. Thus the beginning of the Justice League and you can say the Dawn of Justice.